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38-B521-21-6933 Hematite Band Rings $4.00 62 in-store only
38-K502-21-11926 hematite magnetic bracelet $8.00 2 in-store only
38-C712-78-10185 Hinged Trinket Metal Jewelry Box $5.00 1 in-store only
38-H902-267-11182 holiday earrings - misc designs $8.00 1 in-store only
38-A223-315-12410 Homemade Silver Earrings $4.00 1 in-store only
38-H903-38-13733 Jewelry $4.00 5 in-store only
38-H903-38-13734 Jewelry $5.00 1 in-store only
38-K513-75-14111 Jewelry $5.00 17 in-store only
38-K513-75-14112 Jewelry $3.50 14 in-store only
38-K513-75-14113 Jewelry $4.00 7 in-store only
38-E624-250-15006 jewelry $1.00 1 in-store only
38-H313-38-13749 Kameleon Ring $30.00 1 in-store only
38-B512-279-9971 Keychain w/ gemstone and charm $7.00 5 in-store only
38-J722-21-11913 Large Beaded Gemstone Bracelet $8.00 30 in-store only
38-F111-21-7734 Large Gem Necklace $12.00 7 in-store only
38-D703-29-12823 Large Gemstone necklace $15.00 4 in-store only
38-H501-38-8338 Large Misc necklaces $3.00 1 in-store only
38-H901-267-8354 Large wrapped Hag Stone $10.00 1 in-store only
38-K038-21-1178 Lava stone essential oil bracelet $7.50 3 in-store only
38-J221-21-8947 Lava Stone Solar System Necklace $12.00 5 in-store only

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